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Collect more shopper data on your product page

Only ~4% of visitors on your product pages will share data that can be used for remarketing. Call out your discounts and offers on product pages to collect more data and marketing permissions.

Highlight offers and discounts while your shoppers are browsing to encourage purchasing.
  1. Convert shoppers while they are browsing by letting them claim and verify for discounts without leaving your product page.
  2. Gather contact information and marketing permissions prior to a purchase so you can re-engage shoppers who leave your site.

1. Add on-site messaging to your product pages to call-out specific discounts.

2. Allow users to claim and verify for that discount without needing to leave that product page.

Play 1

If a shopper:

i) Verifies for a discount and

ii) Leaves your site without purchasing

Then: Email them reminding them to use their exclusive discount.

TIPUse gocertify’s on-site messaging to highlight offers and discounts on your product pages, and gocertify’s verification technology to then verify shoppers’ status without them needing to leave the product page.

Play 2

If a shopper:

i) Begins verification for a discount, but does not complete it and

ii) Leaves your site without purchasing

Then: Email them reminding them to verify their status to redeem their exclusive discount.

An example flow to leverage your product page plays with marketing automations.
  • ~97% of hard-earned visitors do not go on to make a purchase.
  • 2 in 5 of those visitors will leave your site to Google for discounts - 90% of these searches don’t return to site.
  • Only 4 in 100 of those visitors can be re-engaged with marketing because they leave without buying or opt for guest checkout.

Marketers spend so much time, effort and money to get visitors to site to convert them to customers. Why do they let those shoppers leave the site so easily without getting anything in return? By tactically leveraging offers and promotions at key times in the buyer journey, marketers can:

  • Drive an uplift in conversions of ~12%.*
  • Prevent discount search abandonment and keep shoppers on site.
  • Gather data and insights for up to 80% of shoppers - even if they leave without purchasing or use guest checkout.
No items found.
  • On-site messaging tool - e.g. gocertify
    • gocertify helps you place relevant discounts and discount calculators on your product page.
  • Verification technology to verify student status - e.g, gocertify
    • gocertify helps you verify a students’ status (plus 15 other closed user groups)
  • CRM/CPD and email marketing system
    • You’ll need somewhere to store the student contact data (gocertify can also directly sync these shoppers into your CRM/CDP).

With on-site messaging, FAFETCH:

  • Increased sales revenue by 12%
  • Saw a 12% increase in transactions
  • Increased AOV by 9%
  • Verified students in < 30 seconds.

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